To celebrate 2024 International Women’s Rights Day, the Office for Equal Opportunities (VPT), the EPFL Library, EPFL Alumni, its Women’s Club and Polyquity are joining forces to offer you a rich and original programme of events and activities, spread over several dates.
2024 Programme
8 February to 14 March
STEMinism : Women in Science / Les femmes dans la science: Selected documents suggested by the EPFL Library
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29 February | 18:30 – 21:00
Sciences, Feminine Plural: How Can Women Get Involved in Science and Technology ? Conference and round table (in French) organised by EPFL Alumni with Kathryn Hess, Gisou van der Goot and other outstanding women.
5 March | 9:00 – 11:00
Abolition of Patriarchy, A Silent Revolution? simultaneously with How To Be A Good Ally? Two breakfasts-discussions proposed by Polyquity.
7 March | 18:00 – 19:30
Lactobacillus Is Not Just For Yogurt! Exploring Our Inner Ecosystems : Journey into the Vaginal Microbiota Diversity: by Prof. Laura Symul (UCLouvain).
8 March | 12:15 – 13:15
En 2024, ingénieure = ingénieur ? Round table (in French) moderated by Lola Saugy (president of EPFL Alumni Women Club).
8 March | 12:00 – 15:00
Sign-making and Screen-printing Workshop, proposed by Polyquity to get ready for the march in town at 6 pm.
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Previous editions
Organisation: Bureau de l’égalité des chances / Bibliothèque EPFL / EPFL Alumni / Polyquity / Mediacom Events
Pour toute question: Natasha Stegmann, Bureau de l’égalité